FOR IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASE: The owners of Texas Lakeside RV Resort in Port Lavaca, Texas, Doug and Dana Jensen are pleased to announce the acquisition of Serendipity Bay Resort, an RV Park and Marina located in Palacios, Texas. Currently, the waterfront RV Resort has...
Happy Campers
Resort News & Updates
rv park

Catch and keep coming …
We have added additional stock to the lake and after allowing some time for growth we hope to begin allowing guests to catch and keep fish with some restrictions.

Memorial Day BBQ
We still have sites available for Memorial Day Weekend. Join us for some great food and fun games. Give us a call to book your site today! π

Egg Hunt Great Fun!
Thanks to all of the families who came out to hunt for Easter Eggs, play some games, and enjoy some Easter themed snacks. We had a great time.